Election 2016: I Woke Up Afraid


Like many of you, I woke up this morning, after the presidential election, afraid. Like so many in this great country, I am not merely disappointed, I fear.

I fear for the testimony of the Church as believers continue to spew out slanderous gossip against our President-elect. Words that make both campaigns and every debate sound like a seeker-sensitive sermon by comparison.

I fear for the Christians who, over 2 months before inauguration, are already digging in their heels with a (perhaps subconscious) commitment to violate God’s call to submit to the authority of the one  God Himself has chosen (1 Peter 2:13-14).

I fear for the hypocrisy of those who, for months, boldly proclaimed their trust in God no matter the election result when they really meant to say they trust in God so long as it isn’t Trump.

I fear for those who take God’s holy Word and twist it to justify their own predilections in a twisted form of emotional eisegesis.

Do I fear for our nation? Yes. But not because of our government, but because of the promise of God that people will proceed from bad to worse (2 Timothy 3). In light of this inevitability, may we not forget to “continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of.”


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